Individual therapies
Anxiety disorders:
Panic disorders; Phobias; Obsessive Compulsive Disorders; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Disorders related to a state of acute stress; Generalized anxiety disorder; Light or deep anxieties.
Stress and syndrome Post Traumatic
Mood disorders:
Depression; Burn-out; Bi-polarity; Dysthimia; Cyclothymia; Adjustment disorder with depressed mood.
Sleeping troubles:
Insomnia; Difficulties falling asleep.
relationship difficulties:
Difficulties in communicating or expressing oneself; Timidity; Aggressiveness; Excessive sensitivity; Susceptibility.
Developmental disorders:TED - Spectrumautistic
Behavioral problems:Hyperactivity, OCD (obsessive disorders compulsives),
Sexual and Identity Disorders
Maternity and post-partum depression
Infertility and medically assisted reproduction
Addictive behaviors or addictions:
Addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, medication; Gambling addiction; Cyber addiction.
Somatoform Disorders (psychosomatic) and
Eating Disorders:
Anorexia; Bulimia.
Professional issues
Integration issues | Aliyah
Disorders | Issues | Symptoms

Face to face interviews
This technique is based on the notion of the unconscious. The objective is to promote the attenuation or disappearance of the symptom, the suffering and the appearance of a better adaptation, by strengthening the defense mechanisms and clarifying internal conflicts.
The therapies can be brief, in response to reactive problems or longer to re-establish self-confidence and strengthen the person's abilities.
The analytical treatment
Based on notions of the unconscious, transference and infantile sexuality, this therapeutic method makes it possible to bring repressed memories back to the conscious level, in order to explain the unconscious conflicts at the origin of the disorders.
These therapies last over the long term, with several sessions per week and are not necessarily suitable for everyone.
Cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBT)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a brief therapy that aims to replace negative ideas and maladaptive behaviors with thoughts and reactions in line with reality. functional analysis of the problem, with the updating of triggers, interior monologues related to it, and of course compulsive behaviors. Then on the development of objectives, which essentially consist of a certain number of specific tasks to be accomplished.
CBT helps to gradually overcome disabling symptoms, such as: rites and verifications, stress, avoidance and inhibitions, aggressive reactions, or distress at the origin of psychic suffering.
CBT is indicated for anyone in pain.